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Friday, November 9, 2012

Presidential Elections.

       After months seeing commercials from presidential candidates, I figured i would write my opinion about the whole coverage of the presidential campaign. First of all we know that the major television networks are very biased. If you watch FOX you will have a very republican and conservative view. If you watch CNN you will get a neutral view. All of these facts makes me thing if people in this 2012 Election,actually voted for the candidate they tought was right or if the telvision stations changed peoples views. News stations are calling this election as the biggest invesment in Unites States History. From buying television spots in different cities and appearing in popular middle class shows,presidential candidates really had a tough campaign. We also saw a video from Mitt Romney talking bad about a certain percent and saying he didnt care about them. All of this help from the media and campaign ads, contributed to the vote of the people of america. I really hope that next election people really research and actually get the facts straight from every presidential candidate. Seems like it was just a "trend" to go vote instead of it actually letting your voice be heard and knowing you were choosing the President who would direct your country. Our media has failed all the rules of a broadcaster level, We are to inform the facts and let the viewer know what is going on in both sides.

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